Terms of use

The site accessible via the following URL: https://reservation.saintfrancoislongchamp.com/ is operated in compliance with French legislation. Use of this site is governed by this legal notice. By using the site, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these conditions.
They may be modified at any time and without prior notice by the Saint François Longchamp Reservation Centre.
The Saint François Longchamp Reservation Centre may not be held responsible in any way for misuse of the service.

Site publisher

The https://reservation.saintfrancoislongchamp.com/ website is the property of Saint François Longchamp Tourisme, a Société Anonyme d'Économie Mixte with a Board of Directors and capital of €100,000.
Siret : 83397544400021
APE Code: 7990Z - Other reservation services and related activities
The publication director is Jean-Sébastien EYMEOUD.

Website development and graphic design

8 Place Colbert
69001 Lyon

Photo credits

Saint François Longchamp Tourisme
Alpcat Médias
Alban Pernet
Digital Art - Paolo Stasia


2 rue Kellerman
59100 Roubaix


The Saint François Longchamp Reservation Centre endeavours to maximise the accuracy of the information but cannot guarantee it or establish its exhaustiveness.
The Saint François Longchamp Reservation Centre reserves the right to modify all or part of the information contained in the pages of this website at any time and without prior notice.
Under the terms of French law, the data contained in this Internet site constitutes an intellectual work (in particular under Law No. 92-157 of 1 July 1992).
Saint François Longchamp Tourisme holds the right to use this work, even in part.

These exploitation rights include in particular the rights of reproduction, representation and adaptation of everything that makes up this website: texts, photographs, drawings, logos, sounds, video sequences, etc.
Any reproduction, even partial, on any current medium (engravings, photographs, paper or electronic reprography, micro-reproduction, albums, postcards, models, posters and other processes, particularly audiovisual) or in the future is strictly forbidden without the express prior agreement of Saint François Longchamp Tourisme, except for wallpapers and for any non-commercial use.
Any adaptation whatsoever of all or part of the work, in particular to give form or ornament to any object or service, is prohibited without the prior express agreement of Saint François Longchamp.
In the event of non-compliance with these provisions, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction and French law shall expressly be the only applicable law.

Intellectual property

The entire content of this site, including texts, photographs, drawings, images and sound sequences, is the property of Saint François Longchamp Tourisme or of third parties who have authorised Saint François Longchamp Tourisme to use it and is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations. Any unauthorised reproduction, representation or distribution constitutes an infringement within the meaning of article L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any use of elements of this site for purposes other than those listed above may result in legal action being taken, both in France and abroad.